We’re gearing up for our third annual Proxe Week Outreach that will take place next week April 12-15th. All week, over 100 students will engage in spiritual conversations using the Red Cup Proxe across campus and will be making invitations to our Large Group that Friday night where York Moore (InterVarsity’s national evangelist and former urbana09 speaker) will invite students to start a relationship with Jesus for the first time!
Will you join our staff team in prayer that our students would step out in mission and share the good news of the gospel at proxes and in the invitations they make to their non-Christian friends? I’ve been praying the scripture in 2 Timothy: “…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Would that be true for our students as they step out in faith next week! And would many students on campus respond to follow Jesus as a result of their obedience.
Thanks in advance for your prayers and the work God is going to do in our midst.
Here’s a quick story of what happened to one of our students last year during Proxe Week 2015:

by Brittany Small